Should You Become A One-Car Family? Here Are Five Benefits and Tips.
These days, most households have at least two cars. This has largely been driven by the increase of dual-income families over the past several decades. But, for some people, the…
Everyday tips for saving money
These days, most households have at least two cars. This has largely been driven by the increase of dual-income families over the past several decades. But, for some people, the…
What is FIRE? It is definitely hot, but not in the way you might think 🙂 FIRE is an acronym meaning Financial Independence Retire Early. People like Vicki Robin, author…
It is true. I haven’t had a pay raise in 10 years. Am I mad about it? No. The truth of the matter is that I prefer it that way.…
Teaching kids about money is critical. Do you remember your first experience with money as a child? Did you receive an allowance? Did you babysit? Overhear conversations your parents were…
Life gets busy. We move. We sometimes overpay a bill by mistake. We sometimes forget to cash a check. We are perhaps part of an unknown class-action lawsuit. It happens.…
When you hear the word frugal, what comes to mind? Is it someone scraping every penny and living on rice and beans? Is it someone using cloth toilet paper? Is…
Black Friday is lauded as the best time of the year to save on purchases. But are you really saving? Or is it all a ploy to drive more consumerism?…
Over the past couple of years, savings account interest rates have eroded. For those of you with savings, you’ve seen the impact in your monthly statements. What used to be…
When some people think of libraries, they may instantly think quiet and boring. In reality, libraries should be seen as free entertainment. Libraries open up a whole world of possibilities…
Over the years working in corporate America, I have encountered people who were self-proclaimed “trust fund babies.” They only worked to have something to do or to pave their own…